Franz Horse


Before being a company specialized in products and services for the equestrian world, Franz Horse is the realization of a dream of its creator Bruna Franz passionate about equine animals that since her childhood has had a more than special affection in being close to this activity.

On August 13, 2020, when she was 13 years old, she arrived at the greatest Insigth of her life to present a solution that came from her heart and soul, to own a company that specializes in products and services. services for horses.

The insight of the young owner, just 13 years old, of the Franz Horse Company, received the support of a sponsoring company in this segment, GC Participações, which has been consolidated in the market for more than 17 years and bets on promising new businesses, when this has a purpose, as was perceived in this great project.

Thus, in just 48 hours of the insight of the young lover of the equine world, Promissora and Amada Franz Horse emerged who will play their role in bringing everyone closer to the segment with much love and affection.

I Bruna Franz and the company GC Participações always hope to collaborate with everyone involved in our project.

Best regards,

The direction

Franz Horse