Novo Mauá was created in 2018 and has its focus on rural and urban land/lots. The company emerged with the incorporation of a rural area of 1,400,000 m2, in Arroio Grande/RS, a Brazilian city in southern Brazil, and the partnership with GC Participações. Inspired by the great Barão de Mauá, the company seeks to contribute to the progress in the region, offering land/lots for residential, industrial, and commercial use.
The city of Arroio Grande/RS
"The difficulties were made to be overcome". -Barão de Mauá.
The village, where today is the city, was started in 1803, by Manuel Jerônimo, grandfather of Barão de Mauá. During the Farroupilha Revolution, the territory of Arroio Grande was the scene of great struggles, which included, among others, the conflict between João da Silva Tavares and Manuel Antunes de Porciúncula. João da Silva Tavares defeated his first opponent but later, was defeated by David Canabarro, a famous Farroupilha chief.
The famous Barão de Mauá was born in Arroio Grande in 1813 in a family of small farm owners in the city. Irineu Evangelista de Sousa ascended socially on his own merits, studies and initiatives, being considered one of the most important entrepreneurs in Brazil in the 19th century, being at the forefront of major initiatives, and structuring works related to the country's economic progress.
Among his greatest achievements is the implantation of the first iron foundry and shipyard in the country, the construction of the first Brazilian railway, the Mauá railway in the city of Magé/RJ, the beginning of the exploration of the Amazon River, as well as, Guaíba River with steamboats, the installation of public gas lighting in the city of Rio de Janeiro, the creation of the third Banco do Brasil, and the installation of the submarine telegraph cable between South America and Europe.
He is considered, by historical records, as the first major Brazilian industrialist. He was one of the great opponents of slavery and the slave trade, understanding that only through free trade and freed workers and their income Brazil could achieve a situation of prosperity.